dongsibao8977 2017-08-12 22:38
浏览 141

golang / goxmldig-签名验证失败

I have attempted to sign a entities descriptor file, but the signature is always incorrect. xmlsectool states that the signature is expected digest is not the same as the actual digest.

xmlsectool-2.0.0/ --verifySignature --certificate saml.crt --inFile example.xml
INFO  XMLSecTool - Reading XML document from file 'example.xml'
INFO  XMLSecTool - XML document parsed and is well-formed.
WARN  Reference - Verification failed for URI "#id1234"
WARN  Reference - Expected Digest: D+SEh34cA7/atdQ8ojV9rzUcJcJSAslFZ0aOIwplGfI=
WARN  Reference - Actual Digest: EYun0wngsN35ci20wRziCXs0Io7J4bZN+NYRnnTR5QM=
ERROR XMLSecTool - XML document signature verification failed

I followed the README example on goxmldsig to create the following code. The full example is on pastebin(stackoverflow wouldn't let me post it here).

xmlBytes := []byte(`<></>`)
keyPair, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certBytes, keyBytes)
failOnError(err, "invalided to load keypair")

keyStore := dsig.TLSCertKeyStore(keyPair)

signingContext := dsig.NewDefaultSigningContext(keyStore)
signingContext.Canonicalizer = dsig.MakeC14N10ExclusiveCanonicalizerWithPrefixList("")
err = signingContext.SetSignatureMethod(dsig.RSASHA256SignatureMethod)
failOnError(err, "failed to set signature method")

readXMLDoc := etree.NewDocument()
err = readXMLDoc.ReadFromBytes(xmlBytes)
failOnError(err, "cannot parse xml")

elementToSign := readXMLDoc.Root()
elementToSign.CreateAttr("ID", "id1234")

signedElement, err := signingContext.SignEnveloped(elementToSign)
failOnError(err, "failed to sign envelop")

var signedAssertionBuf []byte
    signedAssertionBuf, err = readXMLDoc.WriteToBytes()
    failOnError(err, "failed to convert doc to bytes")

ioutil.WriteFile("/tmp/test/example.xml", signedAssertionBuf, 0775)
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  • dongyi1748 2017-08-17 02:13

    It seems the problem is related to including this attribute in some of your elements:


    For example in:

    <OrganizationName xml:lang="en">Your Identities</OrganizationName>

    If you remove the xml:lang="en" for all elements, the generated signature turns to be valid and correctly verified.

    As far as I can see, when you include that attribute, the elements written on the actual XML document seem to turn into this:

    <OrganizationName xmlns:xml="" xml:lang="en">Your Identities</OrganizationName>

    And that makes the signature invalid.

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