dongye1143 2015-01-19 21:13
浏览 33


I am working on an http endpoint that will receive a request from a client and block until it receives an "ack" for that request from another server or until it passes a timeout. The communication between my code and the server is not included in this sample, but you can assume that for each request, an ack may be received eventually.

Since many requests will pass through my module in short periods of time, I cannot assume that a given ack is related the the request I am blocking on. EDIT: Clarification here since it has caused some confusion. Both requests and acks are received by the controller from external sources. This is why I am handling them asychronously. /EDIT For this reason, my code places acks back on the channel if they are not relevant. It is also important to note that http.ListenAndServe calls my functions asynchronously.

If the request is acked within the timeout, there are no problems. However, it the ack comes after the timeout has passed, it will be added to a channel and never removed. This will cause the channel to fill up. I am afraid to use a "cancel" channel because it is also possible that no ack will be received for a given request, causing the cancel channel to fill as well.

The Question: How can I keep late acks from filling my channel?/How can I identify and remove late acks?

Code below. No link because http.ListenAndServe :/

package main

import (

const timeout = 10

func startEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var ack string
    timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second * timeout)
    defer timer.Stop()

    m := r.RequestURI[len("/start/"):]
    for {
        select {
        case ack = <-acks:
            if ack == m {
                //What we found was our own ack
                w.Write([]byte("Ack received for " + ack))
                break AckRecycle
            } else {
                //What we found on the channel wasn't for us
                time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
                acks <- ack
        case <-timer.C:
            //We ran out of time waiting for our ack
            w.Write([]byte("Timeout waiting for " + m))
            break AckRecycle
            //Channel was empty
            time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)

func ackEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    ack := r.RequestURI[len("/ack/"):]
    acks <- ack
    fmt.Print("Ack for " + ack)

var acks = make(chan string, 10)

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/ack/", ackEndpoint)
    http.HandleFunc("/start/", startEndpoint)

    http.ListenAndServe("", nil)

NOTE: To test this, run it on your local machine. Curl/Wget and then Curl/Wget You can replace bob with any string to see the behavior.

I'm new to Go. Feel free to provide other feedback in the comments.

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  • dongmin3754 2015-01-19 22:05

    Keep a map of "uuids in process"; when you receive a /start/ add it to the map, and when you receive an ack (or when the request times out) remove it. If you receive an ack that isn't in the map, discard it immediately.

    Be careful, as maps are not thread-safe by default.

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