doukao2180 2015-08-28 14:18
浏览 18


Here is a small example program with the basic architecture/flow that I am trying to get working. How do I get all the numbers and "end" messages to print out? I have tried putting close statements here and there, but it either doesn't work, or I get panics about trying to close an already closed channel...

package main

import (

func main() {
    d := make(chan uint)

    go bar(d)

    c1 := make(chan uint)
    c2 := make(chan uint)
    c3 := make(chan uint)

    go foo(c1, d)
    go foo(c2, d)
    go foo(c3, d)

    c1 <- 1
    c2 <- 2
    c3 <- 3

    c1 <- 4
    c2 <- 5
    c3 <- 6

    c1 <- 7
    c2 <- 8
    c3 <- 9

func foo(c chan uint, d chan uint) {
    fmt.Println("foo start")

    for stuff := range c {
        d <- stuff * 2

    fmt.Println("foo end")

func bar(d chan uint) {
    fmt.Println("bar start")

    for stuff := range d {
        fmt.Printf("bar received %d
", stuff)

    fmt.Println("bar end")

The output I am getting looks like this. Notice the last set of numbers and the "end" outputs are missing.

foo start
bar start
foo start
foo start
bar received 6
bar received 2
bar received 4
bar received 12
bar received 8
bar received 10

In my actual program, each "foo" function is doing filtering and a bunch of heavy string regexp stuff. And I need the "bar" function, because it has the job of reordering based on a timestamp, and serializing printing, so output doesn't get interlaced.

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  • duannong1801 2015-08-28 14:31

    Your program is exiting before all goroutines are done. You need to wait for both the foo and bar goroutines to finish before returning from main.

    The usual way of doing this is by using a sync.WaitGroup, but since main isn't the producer for the d channel, you will have to ensure that all sends on that channel are finished before closing that with a second WaitGroup (or equivalent).

    var (
        fooWG sync.WaitGroup
        barWG sync.WaitGroup
    func main() {
        d := make(chan uint)
        go bar(d)
        c1 := make(chan uint)
        c2 := make(chan uint)
        c3 := make(chan uint)
        go foo(c1, d)
        go foo(c2, d)
        go foo(c3, d)
        c1 <- 1
        c2 <- 2
        c3 <- 3
        c1 <- 4
        c2 <- 5
        c3 <- 6
        c1 <- 7
        c2 <- 8
        c3 <- 9
        // close the channels so the foo goroutines can exit
        // all foo are done, so it's safe to close d and wait for bar
    func foo(c chan uint, d chan uint) {
        defer fooWG.Done()
        fmt.Println("foo start")
        for stuff := range c {
            d <- stuff * 2
        fmt.Println("foo end")
    func bar(d chan uint) {
        defer barWG.Done()
        fmt.Println("bar start")
        for stuff := range d {
            fmt.Printf("bar received %d
    ", stuff)
        fmt.Println("bar end")
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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