There is func someFunc(v interface{}, fn interface{})
where v
is a pointer to struct (say *A
) and fn is a method expression (say (*A).method()
). How to call fn
with v
as parameter (using reflect
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- douduanque5850 2018-01-30 10:39关注
It's possible to do with
, however it's pretty cumbersome, especially if you need to do something with the return value. But here's a basic example:package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) type Foo struct { Bar string } func concrete(foo *Foo) { fmt.Printf("Foo: %#v ", foo) } func someFunc(v interface{}, fn interface{}) { f := reflect.ValueOf(fn) arg := reflect.ValueOf(v) f.Call([]reflect.Value{arg}) } func main() { foo := Foo{"Bar"} someFunc(&foo, concrete) } // Output: Foo: &main.Foo{Bar:"Bar"}
If you want to call a method of a struct by name, we need to revise it just a bit:
type Foo struct { Bar string } func (f *Foo) Concrete() { fmt.Printf("Foo: %#v ", f) } func callByName(v interface{}, fn string) { arg := reflect.ValueOf(v) f := arg.MethodByName(fn) f.Call([]reflect.Value{}) } func main() { foo := Foo{"Bar"} callByName(&foo, "Concrete") }
Notice that in this case the method value is already bound to the struct instance, so we don't need to pass it anything as an argument.
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