I am trying to query all the results from a postgres table without where condition and map it with array of structs with the help of sqlx db Query by passing the args ...interface {}.
But the code pasted below never works, Instead of iterating and scanning the result one by one , is it possible to get the following code work ??
Inputs are much appreciated . Thank you
type CustomData struct {
ID string `db:"id" json:",omitempty"`
Name string `db:"name" json:",omitempty"`
Description string `db:"description" json:",omitempty"`
SourceID string `db:"sourceid" json:",omitempty"`
StatusID string `db:"statusid" json:",omitempty"`
StatusReason string `db:"statusreason" json:",omitempty"`
CreateTime string `db:"createtime" json:",omitempty"`
UpdateTime string `db:"updatetime" json:",omitempty"`
var myData []CustomData
*sqlx.DB.Query("SELECT id as ID, name as Name, description as Description, sourceid as SourceID, statusid as StatusID, statusreason as StatusReason, createtime as CreateTime, updatetime as UpdateTime FROM myschema.my_table", &myData)
// tried with following statement but din't work either
// *sqlx.DB.Query("SELECT * FROM myschema.my_table", &myData)
for _, data := range myData {
fmt.Println("--", data)
Expected results:
--- CustomData{1,x,x,x,x} --- CustomData{2,x,x,x,x}
Actual: Nothing..