doudiemei2013 2019-06-04 14:05
浏览 577


I'm using go's ssh module, and I'm trying to pipe input from my program to the remote shell over stdin. This works as expected, printing Hello World:

mySession := PrepareSession()  // helper method to prepare a Connection and Session object
output, _ := mySession.Output("echo Hello World")

When I try to provide stdin input, however, it hangs on the line myStdin.Write("Hello World") (I've confirmed this with a debugger):

mySession := PrepareSession()
myStdin, _ := mySession.StdinPipe()
myStdin.Write("Hello World")
output, _ := mySession.Output("cat /dev/stdin | echo")

Replacing myStdin.Write("Hello World") with fmt.Fprint(myStdin, "Hello World") yields the same problem.

Overall I just don't understand how pipes work in Go - how do I get the pipe to stop hanging when I feed input to it?

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  • doufangmu9087 2019-06-04 15:36

    StdinPipe is the standard input for the remote command, as mentioned in the docs.

    Your second example attempts to write to stdin on the remote host without running a command. Since there is no remote command, there is no consumer for stdin, hanging forever.

    Instead, you should do something similar to the Output method:

    func (s *Session) Output(cmd string) ([]byte, error) {
        if s.Stdout != nil {
            return nil, errors.New("ssh: Stdout already set")
        var b bytes.Buffer
        s.Stdout = &b
        err := s.Run(cmd)  <---- you need to run a command on the remote host.
        return b.Bytes(), err
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