I am using postgres database and am returning a Json response from the database in the form of a string which is used for an API . My problem is that I do not know how to check for errors using the QueryRow Method . This right here is my code and it works correctly. That just shows a Json response . However I have a custom function that I would like to use if there is some error with the code and QueryRow does not let me check for errors any suggestions ?
var result string
db.QueryRowContext(ctx,"select json_build_object('Profile', array_to_json(array_agg(t))) from" +
" (select p.id,p.fullname,z.thirtylatmin as latmin,z.thirtylatmax as latmax,z.thirtylonmin as lonmin," +
"z.thirtylonmax as lonmax,p.latitudes,p.longitudes,p.location as location" +
",p.picture,p.is_gold from profiles p join zips z on (z.city='Boston' " +
"and z.state='MA') where email=$1) t;",email).Scan(&result)
io.writestring(w, result)
If I change the above code to this then it works with the error message however how can I return that in a String
SqlStatement,err := db.QueryContext(ctx,"select json_build_object('Profile', array_to_json(array_agg(t))) from" +
" (select p.id,p.fullname,z.thirtylatmin as latmin,z.thirtylatmax as latmax,z.thirtylonmin as lonmin," +
"z.thirtylonmax as lonmax,p.latitudes,p.longitudes,p.location as location" +
",p.picture,p.is_gold from profiles p join zips z on (z.city='Boston' " +
"and z.state='MA') where email=$1) t;",email)
if err != nil {
log_errors("sql statement error",err.Error(),w)
io.WriteString(w, "How can I get SqlStatement as 1 whole String ??")
The statement above lets me log any errors and insert it into the database, now how can I get SqlStatement to return as 1 whole string ? The SQL statement returns perfectly now I just need to get it into io.WriteString in a String format