I have a proof of concept http server using echo which takes a POST request with a JSON body. I am trying to stream the request body over to multiple POST requests using pipes and the multiwriter but it is not working correctly.
In the example below I can see the data is sent to the 2 POST endpoints and I can see a log from those requests but I never get a response back it seems the code hangs waiting for the http.Post(...)
functions to complete.
If I call these 2 endpoints directly they work fine and give a valid json response, so i believe the problem is with this piece of code which is my handler for the route.
func ImportAggregate(c echo.Context) error {
oneR, oneW := io.Pipe()
twoR, twoW := io.Pipe()
done := make(chan bool, 2)
go func() {
fmt.Println("Product Starting")
response, err := http.Post("http://localhost:1323/products/import", "application/json", oneR)
if err != nil {
} else {
done <- true
go func() {
fmt.Println("Import Starting")
response, err := http.Post("http://localhost:1323/discounts/import", "application/json", twoR)
if err != nil {
} else {
done <- true
mw := io.MultiWriter(oneW, twoW)
io.Copy(mw, c.Request().Body)
return c.String(200, "Imported")
The output in console is:
Product Starting
Import Starting