duanchu9914 2019-05-28 04:10
浏览 28


Is there a straightforward way to convert a struct where some fields are "generic" (interface{}) into another type which has the same field names but is "strongly-typed" (int, string, etc)?

Lets say that, given the definitions:

package main

import (

type GenericData struct {
    Hard int
    Soft interface{}

type Data struct {
    Hard int
    Soft int

type GenericDataGenerator func() GenericData

func generateGenericData() interface{} {
    return GenericData{1, 2}

func returnsGenericDataGenerator() interface{} {
    return generateGenericData

Does converting from GenericData to Data require explicitly casting all interface{} fields? Is there a more straightforwad way to do this?

func main() {
    gd := generateGenericData()

    // Doesn't work, but is straightforward
    // fmt.Println(gd.(Data))

    // Works, but is not straight forward
    fmt.Println(Data{gd.(GenericData).Hard, gd.(GenericData).Soft.(int)})

    genDataGenerator := returnsGenericDataGenerator()

    // Doesn't work, but is straightforward

    // Works, but is not straight forward
    resp := genDataGenerator.(func() interface{})()

The code can be executed in: https://play.golang.org/p/_UVBi5It1FY

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  • dongqu5650 2019-05-28 05:54

    Is there a straightforward way to convert a struct where some fields are "generic" (interface{}) into another type which has the same field names but is "strongly-typed" (int, string, etc)?


    And this is obvious once you understand that interface{} is not some kind of "generic" or "arbitrary" type but a single, "strongly-type" type just like string or int32. The empty interface interface{} is a totally normal type just like a uint16 or a map[float32]bool is. It is a interface type (in contrast to the other examples which are a numeric type and a map type) and its method set is the empty set. It is as strict or strongly typed as any of the other types.

    The fact that you can assign any value to a variable of type interface{} does not mean that interface{} somehow means "any type". You can assign the values 3, -1234and 435948 (to name a few) to a int32. This is allowed because the allowed value range of a int32 contains these values (3, -1234, 435948). You can assign a value of type func(int) string to a variable of type interface{} because the allowed value range of interface{} contains func(int)string. This is a vacuous truth and not a "generic" one.

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