douji7399 2015-10-21 01:11
浏览 573

如何在Go lang的Http Response中打印Struct

I am using POSTMAN for handling POST requests in go lang. I wish to display the response in the struct format(A struct of json data). For displaying a normal string, I am using rw.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", t.Name)))

What should I do to display the Struct in response body?(using rw.write method)

fmt.Printf("%+v ", m) outputs to {ID:1 Name:John Smith Address:123 Main St City:San Francisco State:CA Zip:94113 Coordinate:{Latitude:37.7917618 Longitude:-122.3943405}}

This is what I want to display exactly in the Postman response .

Thanks in advance:)

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  • douyan8267 2015-10-21 01:39

    Somehow you have indirectly answered your question but just didn't know about it.

    You mentioned this example, which has the function you're looking for. fmt.Sprintf returns a formatted string instead of the one you were already using that prints to standard out, fmt.Printf.

    rw.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", t.Name)))

    So instead of fmt.Printf("%+v ", m), you can use something like the below that uses fmt.Sprintf:

    structString := fmt.Sprintf("%+v
    ", m)

    The other solution as @JimB suggested is to use fmt.Fprintf directly taking an io.Writer as its first parameter and a format string afterwards.

    fmt.Fprintf(rw, "%+v
    ", *m)
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