duanjuete9206 2019-08-26 14:55
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gorm many2many和关联表中的其他字段

I have a many2many association (it is used to return JSON). It's declared in a model:

// models/school.go
type School struct {
    ID                int      `gorm:"primary_key"`
    Name              string `gorm:"not null"`
    Accreditations    []Accreditation `gorm:"many2many:school_accreditation;"` 

It works well. I have the association returned in the json. The problem is that I have an additional field in the school_accreditation table but it isn't included in the response.

I have tried to declare a model for the association like proposed in this answer:

// models/schoolAccreditation.go
package models

import "time"

// many to many
type SchoolAccreditation struct {
    StartedAt time.Time `gorm:"not null"`

But it doesn't work so far. Is there some additional configuration to declare? Or to modify?

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  • duanlang1196 2019-08-27 14:50

    Answering to myself, I added the field in the linked model as "ignore" and it works, the column is automatically retrieved from the association table.

    type Accreditation struct {
        // "accreditation" table
        ID          int `gorm:"primary_key"`
        Name        string
        Description string
        // "school_accreditation table", so the field is set as ignore with "-"
        EndAt       time.Time `gorm:"-"`
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