I am using Golang SDK to communicate with AWS S3. I want to download only those files from a folder, that ends with .txt or .lib.
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使用S3 Golang SDK从S3下载选择性文件
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dongmacuo1193 2019-03-22 02:14关注AWS SDK does not have this possibility. You can list objects in a bucket, filter the output based on your needs and get a single object using getObject. see here GetObject and here ListObjects
Another option can be to mount AWS S3 bucket on your machine/server using e.g. s3fs-fuse and filter the files you need in order to get the list to download.
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- 2019-01-29 03:34回答 1 已采纳 Try altering your NewDownLoader() to this. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service
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