Using the AWS Golang SDK, I'm attempting to set an expiration date for some of the objects that I'm uploading. I'm pretty sure that the header is being set correctly, however, when logging into S3 and viewing the properties of the new object, it doesn't appear to have a expiration date.
Below is a snippet of how I'm uploading objects
exp := time.Now()
exp = exp.Add(time.Hour * 24)
svc := s3.New(session.New(config))
_, err = svc.PutObject(&s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String("MyBucketName"),
Key: aws.String(""),
Body: fileBytes,
ContentLength: aws.Int64(size),
ContentType: aws.String(fileType),
Expires: &exp,
And here is what I see when logging into the site
Any idea what is going on here? Thanks