I was wondering if someone could explain how to unmarshal my changefeed cursor value to a specific struct type.
var message map[string]interface{}
for chatFeedCursor.Next(&message) {
map[new_val:map[club_id:ea2eb6e2-755f-4dad-922d-e3693b6e55c6 date:2017-04-07 14:48:17.714 +0100 +01:00 id:e389ab54-963e-4b33-9b34-adcb6ec5b17e message:what is the meaning of life? user_id:00ff679f-9421-4b8b-ae7f-d11cf2adaee2] old_val:]
However, I would like the response to be mapped to struct ChatMessage.
I've tried:
var message ChatMessage
However, it doesn't seem like any of my data gets set in the struct.
{ 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC}
My struct:
type ChatMessage struct {
ID string `json:"id" gorethink:"id,omitempty"`
UserID string `json:"user_id" gorethink:"user_id"`
ClubID string `json:"club_id" gorethink:"club_id"`
Message string `json:"message" gorethink:"message"`
Date time.Time `json:"date" gorethink:"date"`