douzhang7728 2018-05-06 13:57
浏览 48

是否可以在项目基础上开发Go? (没有gopath)

Say I wanted to integrate a go project into another repo, or wanted to develop a temporary project on my desktop. My current understanding is that in order to develop anything, it must be within my gopath.

Is this unique to Go? Is there a way to, for example, go init a folder and use that as a self contained project folder?

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  • dongpo1216 2018-05-06 14:15

    As I illustrated in Automatically defining GOPATH on a per project basis, it depends on your IDE.

    Visual Studio Code will detect automatically a Go project structure (myProject/src) and set a GOPATH just for that project.

    See "GOPATH in the VS Code Go extension"

    You would find the same feature in GoLand, the IntelliJ editor (not free).
    See this thread.

    • Global GOPATH: this allows you to configure a GOPATH (which can have multiple values, of course) for all the projects you are using the IDE with. You'll configure it once and reuse it across the projects
    • Project GOPATH: has the same properties as the Global GOPATH but this one applies only to the current project. This means you can configure different GOPATH values for different projects.
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