douzhouqin6223 2018-09-06 08:26
浏览 86


I need some help trying to integrate aws-sdk-go with localstack to access SQS service.

I tried something like:

result, err := q.Client.SendMessage(&sqs.SendMessageInput{
    MessageAttributes: map[string]*sqs.MessageAttributeValue{
        "JobName": &sqs.MessageAttributeValue{
            DataType:    aws.String("String"),
            StringValue: aws.String(jobName),
    MessageBody: aws.String(messageBody),
    QueueUrl:    &q.URL,

if err != nil {
    return "", err

With an initialization like:

type Queue struct {
    Client sqsiface.SQSAPI
    URL    string

var q Queue

    func init() {
      sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
        SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable,

    q = Queue{
        Client: sqs.New(sess),
        URL:    viper.GetString("queue.sqs.url"),

How can I configure the SDK to access localstack's SQS?

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  • douzha6055 2018-09-13 09:06

    Let's suppose you have localstack up and running with default configuration so that SQS will be running on port :4576, therefore, it will be accessible at http://localhost:4576.

    Let's write an example where we send a message on SQS after creating the Session and the Queue:

    package main
    import (
    const (
        // Region represents aws region
        Region      = "eu-central-1"
        // SQSEndpoint represents the sqs endpoint (in this case points to localstack's SQS)
        SQSEndpoint = "http://localhost:4576"
        // QueueName represents queue's name
        QueueName   = "some_queue"
        // QueueURL represents queue's URL. You can also dynamically retrieve it with sqs.GetQueueUrl
        QueueURL    = "http://localhost:4576/queue/some_queue"
    // Message is an example struct representing a message to be sent
    type Message struct {
        SomeParam string `json:"some_param"`
    func main() {
        // Initialize a new Config
        cfg := new(aws.Config)
        // Setting up region
        cfg.Region = aws.String(Region)
        // Setting up SQS Endpoint
        cfg.Endpoint = aws.String(SQSEndpoint)
        // Initialize new AWS Session
        awsSvc, err := session.NewSession(awsSvc)
        if err != nil {
        // Initialize new SQS Session
        sqsSvc := sqs.New(awsSvc)
        // Create a new queue input
        createQIn := new(sqs.CreateQueueInput)
        createQIn = out.SetQueueName(QueueName)
        // Create the queue
        if _, err := sqsSvc.CreateQueue(createQIn); err != nil {
        // Message Input
        message := Message {
            SomeParam : "some_val"
        // Build SendMessage Input
        sendMsgIn:= new(sqs.SendMessageInput)
        // Marshal message to json
        b, err:= json.Marshal(input)
        if err != nil {
        // Set both Body and URL
        sendMsgIn = sendMsgIn.SetMessageBody(b).SetQueueUrl(QueueURL)
        // Finally send message
        if _, err := sqsSvc.SendMessage(sendMsgIn); err != nil {

    Anyways, I realized a small utility library for this SDK with some useful methods aws-sdk-go-bindings.




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