douwei6478 2016-01-17 06:39 采纳率: 100%
浏览 177

如何使用golang etcd客户端创建目录节点?

I would preferably like to have a structure like this in json:

"a":["b":1, "c":2],
"x":["y":3, "z":4]

I can work with "a" & "x" as directories & have nodes under them to store data. I cannot find it in the documentation or example of how to get this done.

EDIT: I just created it as a directory by calling the /a/b, /a/c, /x/y & /x/z for Set. This creates the necessary structure, but am looking for a simplified version perhaps to do the same, instead of 4 etcd calls.

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  • dqxmf02844 2016-01-19 07:52

    to create a directory

    etcdctl mkdir <my_dir>

    to do what you want, there is this option:

    etcdctl set myobject '{"a":["b":1, "c":2],"x":["y":3, "z":4]}'

    will save the json as an object that you can pull back in one call (with get)

    the key is a string, the value is a string: so you can put anything you want there as long as it's a string... so JSON is a string, and you can put your json string there like anything else.

    when you need it back you pull the json string and parse it.

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