type Request struct{
A string
B string
C string
D string
func validator(req *Request)error{
if req.A == "" && req.B != ""{
return errors.New("Error 1 !!")
I have some existing code like above which is already being used so I can not change the function signature.
I am writing a caller function which has to throttle some types of errors. All existing errors are created using either errors.New("some string") or fmt.Errorf("some string"). What I can do is
if err.Error() == "Error 1 !!" {
return nil
But this is not ideal. If on the server side, the message changes, client side breaks.
I thought about naming all the errors on the server side like:
const ErrorType1 = "Error 1 !!"
But it's difficult to name each error.
Any better solutions?