dongqi7631 2018-08-14 18:08
浏览 76

如何在Visual Studio Code的程序包覆盖范围中排除生成的模拟

I'm unit-testing a Golang project, via Visual Studio Code, and one of the dependencies I make use of is called mockery. It works by creating mocks of the target Golang interfaces, in the package they're found. As consequence, even though I could have sworn to test everything in said package, my test coverage is only at 58%. However, when I remove the mock (turns out that I didn't need it) from the package, my test coverage, sure as rain, shoots up to the 97.9% that I was expecting.

Is there any way to tell Visual Studio Code "hey, don't include mockery mocks (which start with mock_) in your package coverage calculations"?

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  • douxieti6851 2018-08-16 10:06

    The solution is to use mockery -inpkg and -testonly flags so generated mocks will go to the original package where interface is defined. Also generated files will have _test.go suffix so they will be ignored by the code coverage tool and by the compiler when you build your program.

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