Playing around with golang
parquet package and came across the function s3.NewS3FileWriter
that accepts the following arguement []func(*s3manager.Uploader)
func NewS3FileWriter(
ctx context.Context,
bucket string,
key string,
uploaderOptions []func(*s3manager.Uploader),
cfgs ...*aws.Config,
) (source.ParquetFile, error) {
if activeS3Session == nil {
if activeS3Session == nil {
activeS3Session = session.Must(session.NewSession())
file := &S3File{
ctx: ctx,
client: s3.New(activeS3Session, cfgs...),
writeDone: make(chan error),
uploaderOptions: uploaderOptions,
BucketName: bucket,
Key: key,
return file.Create(key)
What does []func(*s3manager.Uploader)
mean? And how do I pass a modified version of s3Manager.Uploader
? If I wanted to change the defaults for example.