douchen5971 2018-08-30 20:06
浏览 46


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So I am a beginner with mocking struct and functions in Golang. I basically want to check if a function has been called for unit testing purpose. Here is the code:

type A struct {


func (a *A) Foo (){}

type B struct {
    a *A

func (b* B) Bar () {

I basically want to check that Foo is indeed called when Bar is called

I know there is some mock framework available for Golang but they are pretty complicated when it comes to testing existing struct and struct methods

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  • dpgf42422 2018-08-30 20:19

    If you want to test B and see if it really calls A's Foo function, you need to mock out the A object. Since the function you want to check for is Foo, just create a simple Fooer interface (which is what you would call it in Go, the function plus 'er') with only that function. Replace B's reference to A with one to Fooer and you are good. I created a little sample based on your code here on the Go Playground:

    package main
    import "testing"
    type A struct {
    func (a *A) Foo() {}
    type Fooer interface {
    type B struct {
        a Fooer
    func (b *B) Bar() {
    func main() {
        var a A
        var b B
        b.a = &a
    // in your test:
    type mockFooer struct {
        fooCalls int
    func (f *mockFooer) Foo() {
    func Test(t *testing.T) {
        var mock mockFooer
        var bUnderTest B
        bUnderTest.a = &mock
        if mock.fooCalls != 1 {
            t.Error("Foo not called")
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