duandie0921 2018-05-17 14:22
浏览 185

使用Golang API构建Docker映像时复制失败

I'm trying to build a Docker Image using the official GO API, but I run into a problem on this line:

COPY packages /tmp/packages


"message":"COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder107969114/packages: no such file or directory"

Where packages is a folder in the directory where the docker file resides.

If I just build a docker image build to the path of the Dockerfile it builds as expected.

I tried adding a WORKDIR to the path where the Dockerfile is in the actual Dockerfile but it still seems like it can't find the folder.

Does anyone know what's going on here?

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  • douyi4991 2018-05-22 13:42

    If anyone else encounters into this problem, if you have any mounts for your host config like:

                Source: .../somePath,
                Target: .../somePath,

    That you built the image with the correct build context:

    cli.ImageBuild(context.Background(), tarFile, types.ImageBuildOptions{})

    That within the tarFile that you're passing, .../somePath exists.

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