doupo5178 2018-03-28 04:22
浏览 278

在postgres jsonb数组中插入会导致json转义键和值-Golang pq

I am marshalling the data as

b, err := json.MarshalJSON(&u3)
    if err != nil {
        log.Println("error:", err)

and then insert

INSERT INTO user_list (userid, listtype, data) VALUES ($1, $2, (array[$3::json]))

The data is written as

{"{\"from\": \"2010-11-12\", \"till\": \"2018-3-10\", \"oieId\": \"1212458454\", \"iType\": \"ird\"}"}

Nothing is helping me prevent those escaping from being written even though the data type is json.RawMessage.

Is there a way to just write as JSON and not cast the $3 to be cast to JSON or just prevent those escapes from being written to jsonb[] type row ?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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