douchen1924 2016-07-03 18:45
浏览 33


I am doing a Golang query to the postgres database and the weird thing is that the query only works if I hard-code the value in for instance this query works

db.QueryRow("select json_build_object('Streams', array_to_json(array_agg(t))) from (select FROM profiles as p INNER JOIN streams as s ON(s.profile_id = WHERE s.latitudes >=28.1036 AND shared = false order by id desc limit 15)t").Scan(&result)

The only part that I now change is where the WHERE s.latitudes >=28.1036 instead of having that value hard-coded I Past it through a form and now have the query like this

   db.QueryRow("select json_build_object('Streams', array_to_json(array_agg(t))) from (select FROM profiles as p INNER JOIN streams as s ON(s.profile_id = WHERE s.latitudes>=$1 AND shared = false order by id desc limit 15)t",LatMin).Scan(&result)

Now the query just comes back null and I do know for a fact that the LatMin variable is being populated correctly as this is my code

    func Auto_Location(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

        var result string
        if r.Method == "GET" {

        } else {
            r.ParseForm() }

        LatMin := r.Form["LatMin"]

    db,err := sql.Open("Postgres Connects")
    if err != nil {

   db.QueryRow("select json_build_object('Streams', array_to_json(array_agg(t))) from (select FROM profiles as p INNER JOIN streams as s ON(s.profile_id = WHERE s.latitudes>=$1 AND shared = false order by id desc limit 15)t",LatMin).Scan(&result)
    defer db.Close()

    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

        fmt.Println("Value:", LatMin)


Again as you can see from the code I am using FMT and the LatMin has the correct value of 28.1036 is there something that I am missing here.. The postgres package I am using is _ "" . I am thinking it is an issue with float values because if I change LatMin to 28 it works but 28.1036 does not

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  • doujia3441 2016-07-03 20:17

    Hello everyone I have found the answer, if you are collecting form information on a Post and if some of the values are of type decimal,float or double and you want to query that value into the database then use


    instead of


    as that will get the correcte

    Both of those methods get the correct value however Form[""] as issues with the database.




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