dooid3005 2018-11-04 17:18
浏览 49


package main

import (

type myInterface interface {
    doFunc() bool

type myStruct struct {
    myValue string
    si            myInterface 

func newStrcut(si myInterface ) *myStruct {
    return &myStruct {si: si}

var myS *myStruct 

func main() {

    myS = newStrcut(&newStrcut{})
    myS.myValue = "test"
    if myS.doMyLogic() {


func (s *myStruct) doMyLogic() bool {
    fmt.Printf(s.myValue )
    return false

func (s *myStruct) doFunc() bool {
    return false

Why do I get different values for s.MyValue in doFunc and doMyLogic? In doMyLogic it was test and in doFunc it is "".

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  • douxie2007 2018-11-04 17:58

    Jeremy covered why it's not working. I think I can answer what the OP wants to do. I think there's a misunderstanding about how interfaces work. I think the OP is trying to give myStruct the myInterface interface, but interfaces are implicit.

    type myInterface interface {
        doFunc() bool

    This makes an interface myInterface. Things do not need to be declared to be of an interface. Anything which satisfies the interface is that interface. Anything which defines doFunc() bool is a myInterface. There's no need to declare it.

    I want that the myValue will be the same for the same objects in the same structure – user1365697 15 mins ago

    The idea is to create interface and then to use it from the tests and call to the same method that create the myValue and then send the relevant structure – user1365697 13 mins ago OP in comment

    type myStruct struct {
        myValue string
        si            myInterface 

    This defines a struct which has a string, and it also has something which implements myInterface. Again, that's anything which defines doFunc() bool.

    It's important to realize that is a totally different thing with (potentially, because it's not defined) its own myValue.

    Instead of giving myStruct its own extra struct, I think what the OP intended is to give myStruct the myInterface interface. Since interfaces are implicit myStruct already satisfies myInterface. It should look like this:

    package main
    import (
    type myInterface interface {
        doFunc() bool
    type myStruct struct {
        myValue string
    func (s myStruct) doMyLogic() bool {
        return false
    func (s myStruct) doFunc() bool {
        return false
    func main() {
        myS := myStruct{ myValue: "test" }
        if myS.doMyLogic() {

    Because myStruct has doFunc() bool defined it satisfies the myInterface interface. There's no need to add an extra field for it.

    You can pass myStruct to anything requiring myInterface. That's the idea behind interfaces. Rather than making explicit declarations, anything which satisfies the interface will work. Like Duck Typing, but strict.

    func usesMyInterface(s myInterface) bool {
        return s.doFunc()
    func main() {
        myS := myStruct{ myValue: "test" }
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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