I am attempting to build a regex to detect a unix timestamp like pattern in a string. However, some strings contain multiple "unix time" like patterns and go's regex only detects the first instance of such pattern.
My current regex:
utcRegex, _ := regexp.Compile(^.*\[(\d{7,})\].*
utcCheck := utcRegex.FindStringSubmatch(string)
utc := utcCheck[1]
Here are some example strings:
Regex works fine with these type of strings
"Nov 6 11:21:34 [14039] : [1541532094] [DEBUG] FOO BAR"
The regex properly detects the 1541532094
Regex does not fulfull what I want
"08-13 11:46:56.379 24980 24980 D SDK: [1565711216] [DEBUG] [15657110953902503] [FOO BAR ]"
The regex only detects 15657110953902503 but not 1565711216. I am only interested in 1565711216. The regex only finds 15657110953902503
Is there an update I can make to my go regex that will detect both of these and then select the first/second instance of this pattern?