ds211107 2019-02-28 22:29
浏览 213


I want to create a method which conditionally performs an operation on two ints. In essence, it should do the following

package main

import (

func main() {

    op := "*"
    a := 100
    b := 200

    fmt.Println(a op b)

Is this possible in Golang without using a switch statement? The only way that I've been able to do this is:

switch a {
case "+":
    fmt.Println(a + b)
case "*":
    fmt.Println(a * b)
case "/":
    fmt.Println(a / b)
case "-":
    fmt.Println(a - b)

I want to make this more scalable for operations like <, <=, <<, etc.

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  • dongmopu6734 2019-02-28 22:35

    A string cannot be used to perform an operation.

    A switch statement is a good way to solve the problem. Another option is to use a map:

    var funcs = map[string]func(int, int) int{
        "+": func(a, b int) int { return a + b },
        "-": func(a, b int) int { return a - b },
        "*": func(a, b int) int { return a * b },
        "/": func(a, b int) int { return a / b },
    fmt.Println(funcs["-"](6, 4))
    fmt.Println(funcs["+"](6, 4))
    fmt.Println(funcs["*"](6, 4))
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