i am starting up a Go API with listenandserve to accept HTTP requests.
How can I achieve the below goal?
- Allow maximum 100 simultaneous HTTP requests
- The 101st request (and any others) should wait for 10mins to attempt to fall into this '100 simultaneous' limit (ie hopefully some of the first 100 requests should finish)
- If 10mins pass and no available request 'slots' have opened up then return error for that request that has been waiting
- Order of which request 101...102...x that gets run next is unimportant
current version is completely un-go:
timeout := time.After(10 * time.Minute)
tick := time.Tick(15 * time.Second)
fullcmdfirst := fmt.Sprintf("netstat -anp | grep procname | grep ESTABLISHED | grep -v grep | wc -l")
outputfirst, err1first := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", fullcmdfirst).CombinedOutput()
if strconv.ParseFloat(string(outputfirst)) < 100 {
return nil
// Keep trying until we're timed out or lock acquired
for {
select {
// Got a timeout! fail with a timeout error
case <-timeout:
return errors.New("Error: timed out ")
// Got a tick, we should check if we can acquire
case <-tick:
fullcmd := fmt.Sprintf("netstat -anp | grep procname | grep ESTABLISHED | grep -v grep | wc -l")
output, err1 := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", fullcmd).CombinedOutput()
if strconv.ParseFloat(string(outputfirst)) < 100 {
l.Printf("start req")
return nil