编程介的小学生 2019-12-30 21:55 采纳率: 0.2%
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Rose Shop 输出图形

Problem Description
Small JH,the boss of the rose shop, preparated many roses for the valentine's day.It’s too much people come and buy roses,so Small JH have to put the roses back in every t(0 < t) minutes.The roses put as a thwartwise tower in the rail (look at the picture).You can get the number of rose with n(0<n<13) rows is n*(n + 1)/ 2.
a bundle of rose like this:



This is the rose in the rail:

The rose numbered as below:

2   3

4 5 6
7 8 9 10

The rule of putting the rose in is to find a empty bay where the number is smallest and put the rose in.We can suppose he add the rose spend no time,the customer should wait after Small JH add the rose.
The shop opened at 8:00am and closed at 11:00pm(the customer can buy rose at 11:00pm but the boss will not add the rose at 11:00pm).He want to know the situation of the customer buy the rose and the placement of rose after 11:00pm.If the customer see the shop is closed,he will leave.

The input will consist of several cases, please deal with till the end of file. Each case contains three integers N , T and M (0<N<13, 0<T, 0<M<=100) representing there are N rows of roses,small JH add the rose every T minutes and M customer.Then follow M*2 lines as below format:
hh:mm k
a1 a2…ak
stand for at hh:mm the customer want to buy k roses,ai means he wants the rose numberd ai.at the same time,only one customer into the shop.
the time is increase and 0 < k <= n*(n + 1)/ 2, 0 < ai <= n*(n+1)/2.

For each customer, when the shop Not yet opened,print “Not yet open for business”. if he can buy at least one rose,please print “You bought X beams of rose”.X means the number of the customer have bought.otherwise,print “What a pity!”.
After all, print the state of rose.

Sample Input
2 1 1
8:00 1
2 10000 1
8:00 1

Sample Output
You bought 1 beams of rose
| @ |
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| @ \@|@|@|@/ @ |
| @~@~@\|///@~@~@ |
| \|/// =&= \|/// |
| \|// /|\ \|// |
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| =&= =&= |
| /|\ /|\ |
You bought 1 beams of rose
| @ |
| @~@~@ |
| @~@\@/@~@ |
| \@|@|@|@/ @ |
| \|///@~@~@ |
| \|/@~@\@/@~@|
| |/\@|@|@|@/|
| =&= \|/// |
| /|\ \|// |
| |/ |
| =&= |
| /|\ |

  • 写回答

1条回答 默认 最新

  • 你知我知皆知 2024-07-27 15:21

    以下回答参考 皆我百晓生券券喵儿 等免费微信小程序相关内容作答,并由本人整理回复。



    当我们到达11点的时候,我们要检查一下数组中的所有值,如果有的时候是负数,那么就说明有人在这个时间点没有购买任何玫瑰,我们就输出"not yet open for business"。




    # 定义函数
        # 初始化数组
        unacquired <- rep(0,N)
        # 遍历每一分钟
        for(t in 1:T){
            # 计算剩余未购买顾客的数量
            unacquired[N-t] <- unacquired[N-t-1]
            # 如果有新的顾客进入
            if(unacquired[t] > 0){
                # 将他们加入数组
                unacquired[t] <- unacquired[t] - 1
                # 检查是否有人没有购买任何玫瑰
                if(sum(unacquired) == 0){
                    return("not yet open for business")
                # 如果有人买了玫瑰,将他们的数量加一
                if((t % M) >= 0 && ((t % M) * (M+1)) / 2 <= N){
                    unacquired[(t%M)] <- unacquired[(t%M)] + 1
                    # 如果有顾客离开,将他们的数量减一
                    if((t % M) >= 0 && ((t % M) * (M+1)) / 2 < N){
                        unacquired[(t%M)] <- unacquired[(t%M)] - 1
        # 返回结果
        return(paste("You bought",sum(unacquired), "beams of rose"))
    # 测试数据





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