weixin_33738555 2015-02-13 08:19 采纳率: 0%
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I have made a ajax upload form. This is working fine on almost all devices. Except for iOs devices (ipad and iphone).

Is it impossible to upload files to a webserver in iOs ?


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  • weixin_33682719 2015-02-13 08:26

    I cite:

    "Uploadcare users have noticed that after upgrading to iOS 8.0 they cannot upload files from Safari.

    Sad but true. The new iOS version has a bug that renders sending files by browsers impossible. When you choose a file in a form on HTML page and try to submit it, no file is sent in the request. The browser indicates that it’s waiting for a response, but in fact the response never comes."

    See here for some details: http://blog.uploadcare.com/you-cannot-upload-files-to-a-server-using-mobile-safari/




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