I am attempting to reload only a div
tag on a page when there is new content in the database
in Ajax I test for new content:
function adshandler() {
var d = new Date();
var cache = d.getTime();
$.getJSON("check_time.php?cache=" + cache, function(update) {
if (update.count === true) {
setInterval(adshandler, 10000);
The div
is on the same page as the ajax:
//Monday Afternoon
if ($dayofweek == "Monday" && $timeofday >= "12:00:00" && $timeofday <= "16:59:59"){
//Monday afternoon timeslot
echo "<div id='slideshow'>";
$stma= $conn->prepare("SELECT `Monday_Afternoon`
FROM `Client_Ads`");
while($resultst = $stma-> fetch()){
$mondayafternoonlist = $resultst["Monday_Afternoon"];
echo "<div class='slideshow'>";
echo "<img src='/$mondayafternoonlist'>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
There are more than one div with a similar
class, each one behind an
else if` statement, depending on the day of the week etc.
My $('#slideshow').reload();
is not working?
I have also tried $('#slideshow').load();