weixin_33708432 2018-08-01 14:32 采纳率: 0%
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I have a controller method:

    public async Task SaveRouting(string points, int tripId, decimal totalMileage)
        if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
            await _serviceTrip.UpdateTotalMileageAsync(tripId, totalMileage);
            throw new Exception("Only ajax calls are allowed");

so, as we can see, this method returns Task, so nothing to client. But if something wrong (i.e. totalMileage is less or equal 0) I want to return 422 status code and dictionary with invalid data, like: { "totalMileage" : "Total mileage should be greater than 0" }

How to do it? I try to do it:

            if (totalMileage <= 0)
                Response.StatusCode = 422; // 422 Unprocessable Entity Explained

but how to describe an error?

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  • weixin_33728708 2018-08-01 16:53

    If you want to describe the error after setting Response.StatusCode, then you have to write into the body of the http response by calling Response.Body.Write(byte[],int, int). Therefore, you can convert your response message to a byte array using the following method:

    public byte[] ConvertStringToArray(string s)
        return new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(s);

    And then use it like this:

    byte[] bytes = ConvertStringToArray("Total mileage should be greater than 0");
    Response.StatusCode = 422;

    But you can further simplify this using extension methods on ControllerBase




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