weixin_33674976 2015-11-30 08:44 采纳率: 0%
浏览 4


When I want to printout the output of jQuery AJAX, which has been recived from server. It doesn't show the right charset. What I want exactly is to get š instead I am getting ? or without using utf8_decode() when sending data from server, I get ĹĄ. All files script.js and server php proceed.php are saved in UTF-8 and set in UTF-8. Database is set to UTF-8 as well. All other request from database give the right charset. I've tried most of the things. In .js file for AJAX:

    url: "proceed.php", //file to procces data
    ContentType : 'charset=UTF-8', // tried here
    global: false,
    type: "POST", 
    dataType: "html" // change to text/html, application/text doesnt work at all

In .php file:

mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");
$output = utf8_decode($sql_result);

All possible combinations.


$zem = $_POST['select_had'];
$vysledek = mysql_query("SELECT typ_hadanky, jazyk FROM hlavolam RIGHT JOIN hadanka ON hlavolam.id_hlavolamu=hadanka.id_hlavolamu WHERE zeme_puvodu='$zem'");
$out = "";
while ($zaznam = mysql_fetch_array($vysledek)) {
    $zaz = $zaznam['jazyk'];
    $out .= "<option>".$zaz."</option>";
$vys = utf8_decode($out);
echo $vys;



var select_had = $("#sel_had_zem option:selected").text();
  success: function(data){
      $("#sel_had_jaz option").nextAll().remove();
  error: function(){
      alert('No server response');

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