weixin_33736649 2014-08-19 20:16 采纳率: 0%
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MVC Ajax jQuery复选框

------------ Updated code ---------------------

@for (int i = 0; i < Model.PeopleCheckBoxes.Count(); i++)

  <div class="person">

  @Html.CheckBoxFor(m => @Model.PeopleCheckBoxes.ToArray()[i].IsTaxExempt,
                    new { data_eventID = Model.catID, 
                          data_peopleID = Model.PeopleCheckBoxes.ToArray()[i].Id, 
                          @class = "PeopleCheckBox" }) 


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {

        $('.PeopleCheckBox').change(function () {
            if (!$(this).is(':checked')) { // ignore checked items
                var url = '@Url.Action("RemoveMemberFromEvent2", "GiftList")';
                var eID = $(this).data('eventID');
                var pID = $(this).data('peopleID');

                $.post(url, { eventid: eID, peopleID: pid }, function (data) {
                    if (data) {
                        self.closest('.person').remove(); // remove the elements from the DOM
                    } else {
                        alert('Oops'); // the person was not removed


        public JsonResult RemoveMemberFromEvent2(int eventID, int peopleID) 
             // database updated ..................
             return Json(true);

------------ End Updated code ---------------------

-------- Not using this partial view now; added it just to see if it could be used -----

    public PartialViewResult RemoveMemberFromEvent(int eventID, int peopleID)
              // removes checkbox from database :
              var aEvent = (from p in _EventMemberRepository.Table . . .

                // queries database for new updated data : 
                var members2 = from c in _custRepository.Table  ....

                return PartialView("_RemoveMemberFromEvent", vModel);

I want to have a Method run when a Check box is un-checked, and pass in 2 values to it. What is a good way to do it? I would like to use Ajax with jQuery but have no idea how to code it :

@foreach (var item2 in Model.PeopleCheckBoxes)    

 @Html.CheckBox("chkPeople", true, new {eventID = Model.catID, peopleID =item2.Id})

     public class GiftListController : Controller

            public ActionResult RemoveMemberFromEvent(int eventID, int peopleID) 
                var aEvent = (from p in _EventMemberRepository.Table
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

Any ideas appreciated. Thanks

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  • weixin_33708432 2014-08-19 20:43

    Your View will look somewhat like this:

    @Html.CheckBox("mycheckbox", new { onclick="customMethod()"})

    Your JavaScript method which helps make the Ajax call can go thus:

    function customMethod(){
            url: "@Url.Action("ActionMethod", "Controller")",
            type: "POST",
            async: true,
            dataType: "json",
            data: {
                variable1: '@Model.catID',
                variable2: '@item2.id'
            success: function(data) {
                //If you have a response, it will be in the 'data' object

    And then your Controller would take the form below:

    public string ActionMethod (int variable1, int variable2)
            //Use your variables here and return your response, if any.



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