csdn产品小助手 2016-06-01 18:10 采纳率: 0%
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I am currently trying to update a list of duties after the user has posted a new duty. I am trying to use Ajax doing this. However I am not shure how to use ajax for posting to my controller and then add to my list. How do I use my datafield in my ajax method and how do I update my list?

My controller:

        Public ActionResult CreateDuty(PartialViewModel d)
                    pv.DutyList = db.DutiesTable.ToList();

                    return View("Index");

My Ajax method:

    $('#getDuty').click(function () {
            type: 'POST',
            url: "/Home/CreateDuty",
            data: {d : d}
        }).success(function (data) {
            alert(data + status);
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  • weixin_33682790 2016-06-01 18:33

    Not enough information. Where did d come from and what is it (javascript).

    For your EF code I assume DutiesTable does NOT contain PartialViewModel's so there is a mapping that needs to happen there between the view model and EF model classes.

    Public ActionResult CreateDuty(DutyViewModel d)
        Duty newduty = new Duty(){ /*map values from d to fields here*/}
        return View("Index");

    Once you have your data posting over the controller and saving with EF you need to decide on if your javascript needs a copy of the updated entity (mapped back to a PartialViewModel most likely or if a simple success/fail message is enough and do what it needs to on that side. I don't know what you mean here: "and then add to my list" - what list?




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