It is my first post here I always find useful information but this time my turn to be dry!
I am trying to display and refresh the data bid & ask on the html , the data are generated in a python module . I am trying to do that with jQuery and Ajax.
Here is the JSON I am sending, to be more precise I intend to send a list with each pair of currencies, here a single entry for USDJPY
{'Bid': 109.355, 'Ask': 109.368}
Here is the python code:
import oandapy
from flask import Flask,render_template,request,jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
def getspot():
oanda = oandapy.API(environment="practice", access_token="XXXXX")
response = oanda.get_prices(instruments="USD_JPY")
prices = response.get("prices")
#posts = {"Bid": biding_price,"Ask" : asking_price}
posts = [dict(Bid=prices[0].get("bid"),Ask=prices[0].get("ask"))]
return posts
def getUSDJY():
return jsonify(getspot())
def index():
posts = getspot()
return render_template("basic2.html")
if __name__=="__main__":
Here is my html page:
<script src=""></script>
<script type=text/javascript>
$SCRIPT_ROOT + '_update_USDJPY',
{% block content %}
{% for post in posts %}
<strong>Ask:</strong> {{ post.Ask }}
<strong>Bid:</strong> {{ post.Bid }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Thank you in advance.