With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
.LineNumbering.Active = False
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End With
Selection.Sections(1).Headers(1).PageNumbers.Add PageNumberAlignment:= _
wdAlignPageNumberRight, FirstPage:=True
Dim quote As String
Dim Keyword As String
Dim j As Integer
quote = """"
Dim found_key As Boolean
Dim startSearch As Long
Dim endSearch As Long
Close #1
Open "C:\Users\shuqi\Desktop\新建文本文档.txt" For Input As #1
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content
j = 0
Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file.
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content
endSearch = myRange.End
Input #1, Keyword
j = 0
With myRange.Find
.Text = Keyword
.Forward = True
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchCase = False
End With
While myRange.Find.Execute
myRange.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
Set myIndexEntry = myRange.Fields.Add(myRange, Type:=wdFieldIndexEntry, _
Text:=quote & Keyword & quote)
startSearch = myRange.End
startSearch = startSearch + 7
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content
myRange.Start = startSearch
If startSearch = endSearch - 1 Then
GoTo skip_while
End If
With myRange.Find
.Text = Keyword
.Forward = True
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchCase = False
End With
' this code is because I had a loop here
j = j + 1
If j = 300 Then
myRange.Bold = True
Exit Do
End If
Close #1 ' Close file.
myRange.Start = 0
myRange.End = 0
With ActiveDocument
.Indexes.Add Range:=myRange, HeadingSeparator:= _
wdHeadingSeparatorNone, Type:=wdIndexIndent, RightAlignPageNumbers:= _
True, NumberOfColumns:=1, IndexLanguage:=wdEnglishUS
.Indexes(1).TabLeader = wdTabLeaderDots
End With
End Sub