heyvf 2016-05-23 11:47 采纳率: 0%
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android measure()方法


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  • 小灸舞 2016-05-25 08:29


         * <p>
         * This is called to find out how big a view should be. The parent
         * supplies constraint information in the width and height parameters.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The actual measurement work of a view is performed in
         * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}, called by this method. Therefore, only
         * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)} can and must be overridden by subclasses.
         * </p>
         * @param widthMeasureSpec Horizontal space requirements as imposed by the
         *        parent
         * @param heightMeasureSpec Vertical space requirements as imposed by the
         *        parent
         * @see #onMeasure(int, int)
        public final void measure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
            boolean optical = isLayoutModeOptical(this);
            if (optical != isLayoutModeOptical(mParent)) {
                Insets insets = getOpticalInsets();
                int oWidth  = insets.left + insets.right;
                int oHeight = insets.top  + insets.bottom;
                widthMeasureSpec  = MeasureSpec.adjust(widthMeasureSpec,  optical ? -oWidth  : oWidth);
                heightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.adjust(heightMeasureSpec, optical ? -oHeight : oHeight);
            // Suppress sign extension for the low bytes
            long key = (long) widthMeasureSpec << 32 | (long) heightMeasureSpec & 0xffffffffL;
            if (mMeasureCache == null) mMeasureCache = new LongSparseLongArray(2);
            if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT) == PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT ||
                    widthMeasureSpec != mOldWidthMeasureSpec ||
                    heightMeasureSpec != mOldHeightMeasureSpec) {
                // first clears the measured dimension flag
                mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET;
                int cacheIndex = (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT) == PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT ? -1 :
                if (cacheIndex < 0 || sIgnoreMeasureCache) {
                    // measure ourselves, this should set the measured dimension flag back
                    onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
                    mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT;
                } else {
                    long value = mMeasureCache.valueAt(cacheIndex);
                    // Casting a long to int drops the high 32 bits, no mask needed
                    setMeasuredDimensionRaw((int) (value >> 32), (int) value);
                    mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT;
                // flag not set, setMeasuredDimension() was not invoked, we raise
                // an exception to warn the developer
                    throw new IllegalStateException("View with id " + getId() + ": "
                            + getClass().getName() + "#onMeasure() did not set the"
                            + " measured dimension by calling"
                            + " setMeasuredDimension()");
                mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED;
            mOldWidthMeasureSpec = widthMeasureSpec;
            mOldHeightMeasureSpec = heightMeasureSpec;
            mMeasureCache.put(key, ((long) mMeasuredWidth) << 32 |
                    (long) mMeasuredHeight & 0xffffffffL); // suppress sign extension





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