dabaixiaowo2015 2021-06-17 11:56 采纳率: 100%
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<h1>Django Unchained</h1>
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<h1>Fight Club</h1>

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<img src="https://tva3.sinaimg.cn/large/005P7W0Fly8gr6fjdgqnij30gg0ndgmm.jpg">
<h1>Forrest Gump</h1>

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<h1>学 多 多</h1>

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<img src="https://tva3.sinaimg.cn/large/005P7W0Fly8gr6fjdgqnij30gg0ndgmm.jpg">
<h1>Gump Forrest</h1>

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<h1>Léon: The Professional</h1>

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<h1>San Andreas</h1>

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  • CSDN专家-showbo 2021-06-17 12:19


                $('body').keydown(function (e) {
                    switch (e.keyCode) {
                        case 37:
                            // keypad arrow left
                        case 39:
                            // keypad arrow right
                        case 13:
                            window.open($('#sliderTV').find('.sliderTV--focus a').attr('href'));




            #sliderTV a{text-decoration:none}

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                        <h1>Django Unchained</h1>
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                        <h1>Fight Club</h1>
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                        <h1>Forrest Gump</h1>
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                        <img src="https://tva3.sinaimg.cn/large/005P7W0Fly8gr6fjdgqnij30gg0ndgmm.jpg">
                        <h1>学 多 多</h1>
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                    <a href="http://news.163.com">
                        <img src="https://tva3.sinaimg.cn/large/005P7W0Fly8gr6fjdgqnij30gg0ndgmm.jpg">
                        <h1>Gump Forrest</h1>
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                        <h1>Léon: The Professional</h1>
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                        <img src="https://tva3.sinaimg.cn/large/005P7W0Fly8gr6fjdgqnij30gg0ndgmm.jpg">
                        <h1>San Andreas</h1>
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            /*! SliderTV | The MIT License (MIT) | Copyright (c) 2016 GibboK */
            !function (t, i, s) { "use strict"; function e(t, i) { this._id = null, this._midPoints = { x: null, y: null }, this._itemDoms = [], this._focus = null, this._prevDom = null, this._nextDom = null, this._canCheckMovePrevNext = !0, this._isAnimationOn = !1, this.init(t, i) } var n = "sliderTV", o = { animation: { duration: 400, easing: "linear", isVertical: !1 }, bullets: { canShow: !0 } }; e.prototype = { init: function (i, s) { this.element = i, this.defaults = o, this.options = t.extend({}, o, s), this._getId(), this._listen(this), this._getItemDoms(), this._setItemPositions(), this._calculateMidPoint(), this._setFocus(0), this._createBullets(), this._getBullets(), this._updateBullets(), this._getNavigation(), this._showHidePrevNext() }, _getId: function () { this._id = t(this.element).attr("id") }, _listen: function () { t(this.element).on("move:next", function (t) { this._moveTo({ to: "move:next" }) }.bind(this)), t(this.element).on("move:prev", function (t) { this._moveTo({ to: "move:prev" }) }.bind(this)), t(this.element).on("move:jump", function (t, i) { this._moveTo(i) }.bind(this)) }, _calculateMidPoint: function () { var i = t(this.element), s = t(i).offset(); this._midPoints.x = s.left + i.outerWidth() / 2, this._midPoints.y = s.top + i.outerHeight() / 2 }, _getItemDoms: function () { this._itemDoms = t(this.element).find(".sliderTV__item") }, _setItemPositions: function () { if (this.options.animation.isVertical === !1) { var i = 0, s = 0; this._itemDoms.each(function (e, n) { s = t(n).width(); var o = { position: "absolute", left: i, width: s }; t(n).css(o), i += s }) } else { var e = 0, n = 0; this._itemDoms.each(function (i, s) { n = t(s).height(); var o = { position: "absolute", top: e, height: n }; t(s).css(o), e += n }) } }, _setFocus: function (i) { this._removeFocus(), this._focus = i, this._itemDoms.each(function (i, s) { i === this._focus && t(s).addClass("sliderTV--focus") }.bind(this)) }, _removeFocus: function () { null !== this._focus && (t(this._itemDoms[this._focus]).removeClass("sliderTV--focus"), this._focus = null) }, _createBullets: function () { if (this.options.bullets.canShow !== !1) { var i = ""; i += '<div id="' + this._id + '__bullets" class="sliderTV__bullets">', this._itemDoms.each(function (t, s) { i += '<div class="sliderTV__bullet"></div>' }.bind(this)), i += "</div>", this._bulletsDom = t(i), t(this.element).append(this._bulletsDom) } }, _getBullets: function () { this.options.bullets.canShow !== !1 && (this._bulletsDoms = t(this.element).find(".sliderTV__bullet")) }, _updateBullets: function () { if (this.options.bullets.canShow !== !1) { this._deactiveBullets(); var i = "sliderTV__bullet--active"; this._bulletsDoms.each(function (s, e) { if (s === this._focus) t(e).addClass(i); else { var n = t(e).hasClass(); n && t(e).removeClass(i) } }.bind(this)) } }, _deactiveBullets: function () { if (this.options.bullets.canShow !== !1) { var i = "sliderTV__bullet--active"; this._bulletsDoms.each(function (s, e) { var n = t(e).hasClass(i); n && t(e).removeClass(i) }.bind(this)) } }, _getNavigation: function () { var i = t(this.element).find(".sliderTV__next"), s = t(this.element).find(".sliderTV__prev"), e = i.length > 0, n = s.length > 0; e && (this._nextDom = i[0]), n && (this._prevDom = s[0]), e && n && (this._canCheckMovePrevNext = !0) }, _showHidePrevNext: function () { if (this._canCheckMovePrevNext) { var i = "visibility", s = "hidden", e = "visible", n = this._itemDoms.length; 0 === n ? (this._prevDom.css(i, s), this._nextDom.css(i, s)) : 0 === this._focus ? (t(this._prevDom).css(i, s), t(this._nextDom).css(i, e)) : this._focus === n - 1 ? (t(this._prevDom).css(i, e), t(this._nextDom).css(i, s)) : (t(this._prevDom).css(i, e), t(this._nextDom).css(i, e)) } }, _isItemExists: function (t) { return Boolean(this._itemDoms[t]) }, _moveTo: function (i) { this._calculateMidPoint(); var s, e = i.to, n = "canAnimate" in i ? i.canAnimate : !0, o = n ? this.options.animation.duration : 0, h = this.options.animation.easing, l = !0, a = this._focus; if ("move:next" === e ? a++ : "move:prev" === e ? a-- : "number" == typeof e ? a = e : l = !1, s = this._isItemExists(a), l && s && !this._isAnimationOn) { var _, m, u = t(this._itemDoms[a]), c = "move:next" === e ? 1 : -1, r = 1 === c ? "-=" : "+="; this.options.animation.isVertical === !1 ? (_ = u.outerWidth() / 2, m = (u.offset().left - this._midPoints.x + _) * c) : (_ = u.outerHeight() / 2, m = (u.offset().top - this._midPoints.y + _) * c), this._setFocus(a), this._updateBullets(), this._showHidePrevNext(), t(this.element).trigger("animation:start"), this.options.animation.isVertical === !1 ? this._itemDoms.each(function (i, s) { this._isAnimationOn = !0, t(s).animate({ left: r + m }, o, h, function () { this._isAnimationOn = !1, t(this.element).trigger("animation:end") }.bind(this)) }.bind(this)) : this._itemDoms.each(function (i, s) { this._isAnimationOn = !0, t(s).animate({ top: r + m }, o, h, function () { this._isAnimationOn = !1, t(this.element).trigger("animation:end") }.bind(this)) }.bind(this)), this._showHidePrevNext() } } }; t.fn[n] = function (i) { return this.each(function () { t.data(this, "plugin_" + n) || t.data(this, "plugin_" + n, new e(this, i)) }) }, t.fn[n].defaults = o }(jQuery, window, document);
            $(function () {
                 * Example for a horizontal slider for Smart TV apps using jQuery plugin SliderTV.
                // you can optionally change sliderTV plugin defaults here
                //$.fn.sliderTV.defaults.animation.isVertical = true;   // animation direction
                //$.fn.sliderTV.defaults.animation.duration = 250;      // animation duration
                //$.fn.sliderTV.defaults.animation.easing = 'swing';    // animation type
                //$.fn.sliderTV.defaults.bullets.canShow = true;        // show bullet elements
                // let's initiate sliderTV plugin
                // at first focus on the fifth item sliding the carousel,
                // notice canAnimate: false, which prevents the animation after initialization
                $('#sliderTV').trigger('move:jump', { to: 4, canAnimate: false });
                // in your real world smart tv application you can listen to events from remote control,
                // in this demo we just listen to keypad arrow left and right
                $('body').keydown(function (e) {
                    switch (e.keyCode) {
                        case 37:
                            // keypad arrow left
                        case 39:
                            // keypad arrow right
                        case 13:
                            window.open($('#sliderTV').find('.sliderTV--focus a').attr('href'));
                // listen to click events for particular html elements,
                // as for example the navigation arrows (useful when implementing lg magic control)
                $('.sliderTV__next').click(function () {
                    // slide to next item
                $('.sliderTV__prev').click(function () {
                    // slide to previous item
                $('#help__input').change(function (event) {
                    // slide to a specific item, useful to slide the carousel programmatically
                    $('#sliderTV').trigger('move:jump', { to: parseInt(event.target.value) });
                // listen to events emitted by sliderTV plugin,
                // in this code below, we are "listening" to whenever the sliding animation starts and ends
                $('#sliderTV').on('animation:start', function () {
                    console.log('sliderTV animation has started');
                $('#sliderTV').on('animation:end', function () {
                    console.log('sliderTV animation has finished');
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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