w1609981931 2021-08-27 15:03 采纳率: 0%
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C语言实现复数矩阵乘法(不使用complex.h) ,转置 和求逆应该如何实现,如果使用二维 数组的 方法该怎么构造 结构体

C语言实现复数矩阵乘法(不使用complex.h) ,转置 和求逆应该如何实现,如果使用二维 数组的 方法该怎么构造 结构体?
1.矩阵与自身转置相乘之后得到是对称矩阵 ,如何分配 内存空间 ?

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  • Admini$trat0r .net领域新星创作者 2021-08-27 15:25
    /* NAME                                                                    */
    /*     DSPF_dp_mat_mul_cplx -- Complex matrix multiplication                    */
    /*                                                                         */
    /*  USAGE                                                                   */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*       This routine has the following C prototype:                        */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*       void DSPF_dp_mat_mul_cplx(                                              */
    /*                              const double* x,                            */
    /*                              int r1,                                     */
    /*                              int c1,                                     */
    /*                              const double* y,                            */
    /*                              int c2,                                     */
    /*                              double* restrict r                          */
    /*                           )                                              */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*            x[2*r1*c1]:   Input matrix containing r1*c1 complex           */
    /*                          floating point numbers having r1 rows and c1    */
    /*                          columns of complex numbers.                     */
    /*            r1        :   No. of rows in matrix x.                        */
    /*            c1        :   No. of columns in matrix x.                     */
    /*                          Also no. of rows in matrix y.                   */
    /*            y[2*c1*c2]:   Input matrix containing c1*c2 complex           */
    /*                          floating point numbers having c1 rows and c2    */
    /*                          columns of complex numbers.                     */
    /*            c2        :   No. of columns in matrix y.                     */
    /*            r[2*r1*c2]:   Output matrix of c1*c2 complex floating         */
    /*                          point numbers having c1 rows and c2 columns of  */
    /*                          complex numbers.                                */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*                          Complex numbers are stored consecutively with   */
    /*                          real values stored in even positions and        */
    /*                          imaginary values in odd positions.              */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*  DESCRIPTION                                                             */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*        This function computes the expression "r = x * y" for the         */
    /*        matrices x and y. The columnar dimension of x must match the row  */
    /*        dimension of y. The resulting matrix has the same number of rows  */
    /*        as x and the same number of columns as y.                         */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*        Each element of the matrix is assumed to be complex numbers with  */
    /*        Real values are stored in even positions and imaginary            */
    /*        values in odd positions.                                          */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*  TECHNIQUES                                                              */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*        1. Innermost loop is unrolled twice.                              */
    /*        2. Outermost loop is executed in parallel with innner loops.      */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*  ASSUMPTIONS                                                             */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*        1. r1,r2>=1,c1 should be a multiple of 2 and >=2.                 */
    /*        2. x should be padded with 6 words                                */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*  C CODE                                                                  */
    /*                                                                          */
    void DSPF_dp_mat_mul_cplx(const double* x, int r1, int c1, 
                              const double* y, int c2, double* r)
        double real, imag;                                            
        int i, j, k;                                                  
        for(i = 0; i < r1; i++)                                      
            for(j = 0; j < c2; j++)                                     
                for(k = 0; k < c1; k++)                                   
                    real += (x[i*2*c1 + 2*k]*y[k*2*c2 + 2*j]                  
                    -x[i*2*c1 + 2*k + 1] * y[k*2*c2 + 2*j + 1]);              
                    imag+=(x[i*2*c1 + 2*k] * y[k*2*c2 + 2*j + 1]             
                    + x[i*2*c1 + 2*k + 1] * y[k*2*c2 + 2*j]);              
                r[i*2*c2 + 2*j] = real;                                  
                r[i*2*c2 + 2*j + 1] = imag;  
    /*  NOTES                                                                   */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*        1. Real values are stored in even word positions and imaginary    */
    /*           values in odd positions.                                       */
    /*        2. Endian: This code is LITTLE ENDIAN.                            */
    /*        3. Interruptibility: This code is interrupt tolerant but not      */
    /*           interruptible.                                                 */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*  CYCLES                                                                  */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*        8*r1*c1*c2'+ 18*(r1*c2)+40 WHERE c2'=2*ceil(c2/2)                 */
    /*        When r1=3, c1=4, c2=4, cycles = 640                               */
    /*        When r1=4, c1=4, c2=5, cycles = 1040                              */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*  CODESIZE                                                                */
    /*                                                                          */
    /*        832 bytes                                                         */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /*            Copyright (c) 2004 Texas Instruments, Incorporated.           */
    /*                           All Rights Reserved.                           */
    /* ======================================================================== */
    #ifndef DSPF_DP_MAT_MUL_CPLX_H_
    #define DSPF_DP_MAT_MUL_CPLX_H_ 1
    void DSPF_dp_mat_mul_cplx(
                           const double* x,
                           int r1,
                           int c1,
                           const double* y,
                           int c2,
                           double* restrict r
    /* ======================================================================== */
    /*  End of file:  DSPF_dp_mat_mul_cplx.h                                         */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */



  • 创建了问题 8月27日


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