运行Github上的QRNN网络(项目地址:https://github.com/salesforce/pytorch-qrnn: [WinError 126] 找不到指定的模块“错误。初步怀疑和pynvrtc库以及 GPUForgetMult类中定义的compile(self)函数有关。但代码调试经验实在太少,无法查出“指定模块”是什么...
import math
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
from cupy.cuda import function
import pynvrtc
from pynvrtc.compiler import Program
from collections import namedtuple
kernel = '''
extern "C"
__global__ void recurrent_forget_mult(float *dst, const float *f, const float *x, int SEQ, int BATCH, int HIDDEN)
Note: destination is assumed to be one timestep longer than f or x where dst[0] = h_{-1}
This means dst array has a separate index than that of f or x
int hid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int bid = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if(hid >= HIDDEN || bid >= BATCH)
for (int ts = 0 + 1; ts < SEQ + 1; ts++) {
// Good sanity check for debugging - only perform additions to a zeroed chunk of memory
// Addition seems atomic or near atomic - you should get incorrect answers if doubling up via threads
// Note: the index i needs to be offset by one as f[0] (f_t) is used for dst[1] (h_t) etc
// To move timesteps, we step HIDDEN * BATCH
// To move batches, we move HIDDEN
// To move neurons, we move +- 1
// Note: dst[dst_i] = ts * 100 + bid * 10 + hid; is useful for debugging
int i = (ts - 1) * HIDDEN * BATCH + bid * HIDDEN + hid;
int dst_i = (ts - 0) * HIDDEN * BATCH + bid * HIDDEN + hid;
int dst_iminus1 = (ts - 1) * HIDDEN * BATCH + bid * HIDDEN + hid;
dst[dst_i] = f[i] * x[i];
dst[dst_i] += (1 - f[i]) * dst[dst_iminus1];
extern "C"
__global__ void bwd_recurrent_forget_mult(const float *h, const float *f, const float *x, const float *gh, float *gf, float *gx, float *ghinit, int SEQ, int BATCH, int HIDDEN)
Note: h is assumed to be one timestep longer than f, x, gf, gx, or gh where dst[0] = h_{-1}
This means dst array has a separate index than that of f or x
int hid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int bid = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if(hid >= HIDDEN || bid >= BATCH)
double running_f = 0;
for (int ts = SEQ - 1 + 1; ts >= 0 + 1; ts--) {
int i = (ts - 1) * HIDDEN * BATCH + bid * HIDDEN + hid;
int dst_i = (ts - 0) * HIDDEN * BATCH + bid * HIDDEN + hid;
int dst_iminus1 = (ts - 1) * HIDDEN * BATCH + bid * HIDDEN + hid;
running_f += gh[dst_iminus1];
// Gradient of X
gx[i] = f[i] * running_f;
// Gradient of F
gf[i] = (x[i] - h[dst_iminus1]) * running_f;
// The line below is likely more numerically stable than (1 - f[i]) * running_f;
running_f = running_f - f[i] * running_f;
ghinit[bid * HIDDEN + hid] = running_f;
class CPUForgetMult(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(CPUForgetMult, self).__init__()
def forward(self, f, x, hidden_init=None):
result = []
forgets = f.split(1, dim=0)
prev_h = hidden_init
for i, h in enumerate((f * x).split(1, dim=0)):
if prev_h is not None: h = h + (1 - forgets[i]) * prev_h
# h is (1, batch, hidden) when it needs to be (batch_hidden)
# Calling squeeze will result in badness if batch size is 1
h = h.view(h.size()[1:])
prev_h = h
return torch.stack(result)
class GPUForgetMult(torch.autograd.Function):
configured_gpus = {}
ptx = None
def __init__(self):
super(GPUForgetMult, self).__init__()
def compile(self):
if self.ptx is None:
program = Program(kernel.encode(), 'recurrent_forget_mult.cu'.encode())
GPUForgetMult.ptx = program.compile()
if torch.cuda.current_device() not in GPUForgetMult.configured_gpus:
m = function.Module()
self.forget_mult = m.get_function('recurrent_forget_mult')
self.bwd_forget_mult = m.get_function('bwd_recurrent_forget_mult')
Stream = namedtuple('Stream', ['ptr'])
self.stream = Stream(ptr=torch.cuda.current_stream().cuda_stream)
GPUForgetMult.configured_gpus[torch.cuda.current_device()] = (self.forget_mult, self.bwd_forget_mult, self.stream)
self.forget_mult, self.bwd_forget_mult, self.stream = GPUForgetMult.configured_gpus[torch.cuda.current_device()]
def forward(self, f, x, hidden_init=None):
seq_size, batch_size, hidden_size = f.size()
result = f.new(seq_size + 1, batch_size, hidden_size)
# We only zero the result array (result[0]) if we don't set a hidden initial state
# All other values (result[1:]) are overwritten by default
if hidden_init is not None: result[0, :, :] = hidden_init
else: result = result.zero_()
grid_hidden_size = min(hidden_size, 512)
grid = (math.ceil(hidden_size / grid_hidden_size), batch_size)
self.forget_mult(grid=grid, block=(grid_hidden_size, 1), args=[result.data_ptr(), f.data_ptr(), x.data_ptr(), seq_size, batch_size, hidden_size], stream=self.stream)
self.save_for_backward(f, x, hidden_init)
self.result = result
return result[1:, :, :]
def backward(self, grad_h):
f, x, hidden_init = self.saved_tensors
h = self.result
seq_size, batch_size, hidden_size = f.size()
# Zeroing is not necessary as these will be overwritten
grad_f = f.new(*f.size())
grad_x = f.new(*f.size())
grad_h_init = f.new(batch_size, hidden_size)
grid_hidden_size = min(hidden_size, 512)
grid = (math.ceil(hidden_size / grid_hidden_size), batch_size)
self.bwd_forget_mult(grid=grid, block=(grid_hidden_size, 1), args=[h.data_ptr(), f.data_ptr(), x.data_ptr(), grad_h.data_ptr(), grad_f.data_ptr(), grad_x.data_ptr(), grad_h_init.data_ptr(), seq_size, batch_size, hidden_size], stream=self.stream)
if hidden_init is not None:
return grad_f, grad_x, grad_h_init
return grad_f, grad_x
class ForgetMult(torch.nn.Module):
r"""ForgetMult computes a simple recurrent equation:
h_t = f_t * x_t + (1 - f_t) * h_{t-1}
This equation is equivalent to dynamic weighted averaging.
Inputs: X, hidden
- X (seq_len, batch, input_size): tensor containing the features of the input sequence.
- F (seq_len, batch, input_size): tensor containing the forget gate values, assumed in range [0, 1].
- hidden_init (batch, input_size): tensor containing the initial hidden state for the recurrence (h_{t-1}).
- use_cuda: If True, use the fast element-wise CUDA kernel for recurrence. If False, uses naive for loop. Default: True.
def __init__(self):
super(ForgetMult, self).__init__()
def forward(self, f, x, hidden_init=None, use_cuda=True):
# Use CUDA by default unless it's available
use_cuda = use_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available()
# Ensure the user is aware when ForgetMult is not GPU version as it's far faster
if use_cuda: assert f.is_cuda and x.is_cuda, 'GPU ForgetMult with fast element-wise CUDA kernel requested but tensors not on GPU'
# Avoiding 'RuntimeError: expected a Variable argument, but got NoneType' when hidden_init is None
if hidden_init is None: return GPUForgetMult()(f, x) if use_cuda else CPUForgetMult()(f, x)
return GPUForgetMult()(f, x, hidden_init) if use_cuda else CPUForgetMult()(f, x, hidden_init)
if __name__ == '__main__':
seq, batch, hidden = 35, 20, 650
# Larger input (batch * seq * hidden) results in excessive memory for gradient check
seq, batch, hidden = 3, 7, 19
a = Variable(torch.rand(seq, batch, hidden).cuda(), requires_grad=True)
forget = Variable(torch.rand(seq, batch, hidden).cuda(), requires_grad=True)
last_h = Variable(torch.rand(batch, hidden).cuda(), requires_grad=True)
#seq, batch, hidden = 4, 1, 1
#a = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.75, 0.5, 0.9, 0.8]).view(seq, batch, hidden).cuda(), requires_grad=True)
#forget = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.4]).view(seq, batch, hidden).cuda(), requires_grad=True)
#last_h = Variable(torch.Tensor([0]).view(batch, hidden).cuda(), requires_grad=True)
#print(forget, a, last_h)
print('CUDA forget mult')
print('=-=-' * 5)
resulta = ForgetMult()(forget, a, last_h, use_cuda=True)
loss = resulta.pow(2).sum()
print('Result =', loss.data[0])
print('X grad =', a.grad.mean().data[0])
print('Forget grad =', forget.grad.mean().data[0])
print('Last H grad =', last_h.grad.mean().data[0])
x_grad_copy = a.grad.clone()
print('CPU forget mult')
print('=-=-' * 5)
a.grad.data *= 0
forget.grad.data *= 0
last_h.grad.data *= 0
resultb = ForgetMult()(forget, a, last_h, use_cuda=False)
loss = resultb.pow(2).sum()
print('Result =', loss.data[0])
print('X grad =', a.grad.mean().data[0])
print('Forget grad =', forget.grad.mean().data[0])
print('Last H grad =', last_h.grad.mean().data[0])
print('=-=-' * 5)
print('(Xgrad - Xgrad).sum() =', (x_grad_copy - a.grad).sum().data[0])
print('Residual error for result')
print('=-=-' * 5)
residual = (resulta - resultb)
# Had to loosen gradient checking, potentially due to general floating point badness?
from torch.autograd import gradcheck
inputs = [forget, a, last_h]
test = gradcheck(ForgetMult(), inputs, eps=1e-4, atol=1e-2)
D:\Anaconda3\envs\XXX\python.exe "C:/XXX/pytorch-qrnn-master/torchqrnn/forget_mult.py"
CUDA forget mult
Warning: Legacy autograd function with non-static forward method is deprecated and will be removed in 1.3. Please use new-style autograd function with static forward method. (Example: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/autograd.html#torch.autograd.Function) (THPFunction_do_forward at ..\torch\csrc\autograd\python_function.cpp:622)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/XXX/pytorch-qrnn-master/torchqrnn/forget_mult.py", line 201, in <module>
resulta = ForgetMult()(forget, a, last_h, use_cuda=True)
File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\XXX\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\module.py", line 532, in __call__
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "C:/XXX/pytorch-qrnn-master/torchqrnn/forget_mult.py", line 180, in forward
return GPUForgetMult()(f, x, hidden_init) if use_cuda else CPUForgetMult()(f, x, hidden_init)
File "C:/XXX/pytorch-qrnn-master/torchqrnn/forget_mult.py", line 121, in forward
File "C:/XXX/pytorch-qrnn-master/torchqrnn/forget_mult.py", line 103, in compile
program = Program(kernel.encode(), 'recurrent_forget_mult.cu'.encode())
File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\XXX\lib\site-packages\pynvrtc\compiler.py", line 49, in __init__
self._interface = NVRTCInterface(lib_name)
File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\XXX\lib\site-packages\pynvrtc\interface.py", line 87, in __init__
File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\XXX\lib\site-packages\pynvrtc\interface.py", line 109, in _load_nvrtc_lib
self._lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(name)
File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\XXX\lib\ctypes\__init__.py", line 426, in LoadLibrary
return self._dlltype(name)
File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\XXX\lib\ctypes\__init__.py", line 348, in __init__
self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
OSError: [WinError 126] 找不到指定的模块。
从网上看了好多,说是缺少dll文件,已经把VS C++的库全部重新装了一遍,还是这个问题。希望有类似经历的伙伴给些建议。