dsfdsf46465 2011-12-06 22:15
浏览 74

在我的PHP MVC框架中进行路由

For a couple of years I have been working on my own lightweight MVC framework for PHP. Which I may at some point release under an opensource license.

Here is what I have been using for handling routes:

function routes($routes, $uriPath) {

    // Loop through every route and compare it with the URI
    foreach ($routes as $route => $actualPage) {

        // Create a route with all identifiers replaced with ([^/]+) regex syntax
        // E.g. $route_regex = shop-please/([^/]+)/moo (originally shop-please/:some_identifier/moo)
        $route_regex = preg_replace('@:[^/]+@', '([^/]+)', $route);

        // Check if URI path matches regex pattern, if so create an array of values from the URI
        if(!preg_match('@' . $route_regex . '@', $uriPath, $matches)) continue;

        // Create an array of identifiers from the route
        preg_match('@' . $route_regex . '@', $route, $identifiers);

        // Combine the identifiers with the values
        $this->request->__get = array_combine($identifiers, $matches);

        return $actualPage;

    // We didn't find a route match
    return false;

$routes is a passed array formatted like this:

$routes = array(
    // route => actual page
    'page/:action/:id' => 'actualPage',
    'page/:action' => 'actualPage',

$uriPath is the URI path without a leading forward-slash e.g. page/update/102

In my page controllers I can access the the route information like so:

echo $this->request->__get['action'];
// update

echo $this->request->__get['id'];
// 102

My question is essentially "can this be simplified or optimised?". With particular emphasis on simplifying the regex and the number of preg_replace and preg_match calls.

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  • doupiai5597 2011-12-06 22:57

    I find use of regex in such scenario very unwise, mostly because this can be done without it. I've put up a simply code below that does exactly the same without regex.


    $routes             = array
        // actual path => filter
        'foo'   => array('page', ':action', ':id'),
        'bar'   => array('page', ':action')
     * @author Gajus Kuizinas <g.kuizinas@anuary.com>
     * @copyright Anuary Ltd, http://anuary.com
     * @version 1.0.0 (2011 12 06)
    function ay_dispatcher($url, $routes)
        $final_path         = FALSE;
        $url_path           = explode('/', $url);
        $url_path_length    = count($url_path);
        foreach($routes as $original_path => $filter)
            // reset the parameters every time in case there is partial match
            $parameters     = array();
            // this filter is irrelevent
            if($url_path_length <> count($filter))
            foreach($filter as $i => $key)
                if(strpos($key, ':') === 0)
                    $parameters[substr($key, 1)]    = $url_path[$i];
                // this filter is irrelevent
                else if($key != $url_path[$i])
                    continue 2;
            $final_path = $original_path;
        return $final_path ? array('path' => $final_path, 'parameters' => $parameters) : FALSE;
    die(var_dump( ay_dispatcher('page/edit', $routes), ay_dispatcher('page/edit/12', $routes), ay_dispatcher('random/invalid/url', $routes) ));


    array(2) {
      string(3) "bar"
      array(1) {
        string(4) "edit"
    array(2) {
      string(3) "foo"
      array(2) {
        string(4) "edit"
        string(2) "12"
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