I am using PDO for connection database. this is output from my code:
I want all cell same line, not change line. i try search in my code to delete if any code with ln(). but not find it. i don't know why it not show beside.
this is my code:
$result = $stmt->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
//$pdf->Cell(40,10,'LAMPIRAN FOTO
$pdf->Multicell(40,4,"LAMPIRAN FOTO
foreach($result as $row) {
$pdf->Multicell(80,4,'Debitur : '. $row['debitur'],1);
//$pdf->Cell(0,5,'L NAME:', $row['lname']);
$pdf->Cell(0,5,'L NAME:'. $row['debitur'], 0, 0, 'L');