dpbz14739 2013-08-07 14:10
浏览 128


I want to run a custom symfony2 console command background after login. I make a listener and try to use the process to run the command at background but the function not work well. Here is my code

class LoginListener
    protected $doctrine;
    private $RecommendJobService;
    public function __construct(Doctrine $doctrine)
        $this->doctrine = $doctrine;

    public function onLogin(InteractiveLoginEvent $event)
        $user = $event->getAuthenticationToken()->getUser();

        $process = new Process('ls -lsa');
        $process->start(function ($type, $buffer) {
                $command = $this->RecommendJobService;
                $input = new ArgvInput();
                $output = new ConsoleOutput();
                $command->execute($input, $output);
                echo "1";

    public function setRecommendJobService($RecommendJobService) {
      $this->RecommendJobService = $RecommendJobService;

Is there something wrong with my code? Thx for helping.

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  • douxuanjie2692 2013-08-07 17:22

    Any variables that you need to access from inside your anonymous function you have to use a use statement. Further $this could conflict due to scope.

    $that = $this;
    $process->start(function ($type, $buffer) use ($that) {
        $command = $that->RecommendJobService;
        $input = new ArgvInput();
        $output = new ConsoleOutput();
        $command->execute($input, $output);
        echo "1";

    Also you can take your anonymous function and test it outside of the start() method like this.

    $closure = function ($type, $buffer) use ($that) {
        $command = $that->RecommendJobService;
        $input = new ArgvInput();
        $output = new ConsoleOutput();
        $command->execute($input, $output);
        echo "1";

    Then you can put some debugging in there and see if it runs. I'm not sure if echo is a good way to deal with the console. I would recommend Monolog or the $output->writeln($text); command.

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