dqo88037 2015-01-14 01:12
浏览 39

Laravel 4.2 - 使用:: firstOrCreate并确定实际发生了什么?

When using Model::firstOrCreate in Laravel 4.2, is there a way of knowing which happened,, first or create?

Let me explain,,, My understanding is that with ::firstOrCreate a record is created IF it doesn't exist OR values of records containing argument array data are returned.

So if I have something like this:

// Auth::user()->id; returns 7

$person = Persons::firstOrCreate(array(
    'approver' => 123,
    'receiver' => Auth::user()->id,
    'plan' => 'gold',

And I have these records

  approver | receiver  |  plan
    123    |     7     |  silver
    128    |     7     |  gold
    123    |     7     |  platinum

Then a new record will be created

  approver | receiver  |  plan
    123    |     7     |  silver
    128    |     7     |  gold
    123    |     7     |  platinum
    123    |     7     |  gold

And if I run the above code again then the new value will not be created and this record will be returned

  approver | receiver  |  plan

    123    |     7     |  gold

But if my code looks like this

$person = Persons::firstOrCreate(array(
    'approver' => 123,
    'receiver' => Auth::user()->id

These records will be returned

  approver | receiver  |  plan
    123    |     7     |  silver
    123    |     7     |  platinum
    123    |     7     |  gold

If my understanding of ::firstOrCreate is not correct please help me understand it better.

And as I mentioned,, I am interested to know if there is a way to determine if CREATE of new record happened or not?

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  • drxd54816 2015-01-14 01:58

    The model has a wasRecentlyCreated property:

    $person = Persons::firstOrCreate([
        'approver' => 123,
        'receiver' => auth()->id(),
        'plan' => 'gold',
    if ($person->wasRecentlyCreated) {
        // $person was created
    } else {
        // $person was fetched

    For older versions of Laravel, you can achieve what you want with firstOrNew:

    $person = Persons::firstOrNew([
        'approver' => 123,
        'receiver' => Auth::user()->id,
        'plan' => 'gold',
    if (! $person->id) {
        // $person was created...
    } else {
        // $person was fetched...
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