doudeng2184 2013-11-11 05:45
浏览 44


I would like to use an android app to send GPS coordinates using a prepaid sim card. My theory is that if i don't download any response and i only send requests, i won't drain the card of money.

To test this: Is there a way to 1. On android; create a certain type of request that does not expect a return? 2. on the server side; (preferably php -lamp stack) not deliver a response?

I feel like it would be something to do with UDP versus TCP.

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  • doukui2011 2013-11-11 06:28

    Creating a socket connection to your server and writing using UDP protocol will do the trick as Steve explain above Here what i did similiar without responce

    InetAddress serverAddr = Inet4Address.getByName("addressIP");
    Socket socket = new Socket(serverAddr, SERVERPORT);
    socket.getOutputStream().write("your data".getBytes());

    Where SERVERPORT stands for 8080,4040 anything depends on your server. I Used this piece of code to communicate with Server

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