I wanted to add PayPal functionality to my Wordpress plug-in, so I ventured over to PayPal's developer page and scanned through it. I couldn't help but notice how vague and complicated their documentation was.
On their button manager API page, step 4 literally says " ... develop the API code necessary to create and manage your buttons." This is not helpful whatsoever. With a little more digging, I found this PHP SDK, but implementing it is poorly explained and I can't follow it. To be honest, it looks like overkill anyway. All I want to do is send basic information:
- Merchant's e-mail (to which payment will be sent)
- Item cost
- Item quantity
Logging into my own PayPal account and generating a button using their form will not work for this. I am trying to generate a button dynamically, based on the information the user enters into the plug-in. I would also prefer the method to be more secure than using the HTML hidden input fields.
If there is absolutely no easy way to send PayPal these three simple things, then I would greatly appreciate seeing a more thorough explanation of the SDK. I do not know what composer is, nor what bootstrap.php is supposed to be, nor do I know where to save the files that use the SDK's functionality. Once those questions are answered, I only want to know how to send those three things and the bare necessities. I don't need all this extra information.