I have created a sequence of messsages to be sent in text messages through twilio.
I have created a controller to put the messages in a queue with the data received in the post request. Here is my controller to make queue:
public function make_queue(Request $request)
$data = array(
'phone' => $request->input('phone'),
'message'=> $request->input('message'),
'token'=> $request->input('token')',
'sid'=> $request->input('sid')
return 'message will be sent';
And in handle the job , in the handle function
public function handle()
$token = should_come_from job;
$sid = should_come_from job;
$ids = should_come_from job;
$msg = should_come_from job;
//send message
catch (exception $e)
handle exception
I am not able to figure out how do I get the values in the handle function to actually send the message....