I know there is a LOT of info on the web regarding to this subject but I can't seem to figure it out the way I want.
I'm trying to build a function which strips the domain name from a url:
http://blabla.com blabla
www.blabla.net blabla
http://www.blabla.eu blabla
Only the plain name of the domain is needed.
With parse_url I get the domain filtered but that is not enough. I have 3 functions that stips the domain but still I get some wrong outputs
function prepare_array($domains)
$prep_domains = explode("
", str_replace("", "", $domains));
$domain_array = array_map('trim', $prep_domains);
return $domain_array;
function test($domain)
$domain = explode(".", $domain);
return $domain[1];
function strip($url)
$url = trim($url);
$url = preg_replace("/^(http:\/\/)*(www.)*/is", "", $url);
$url = preg_replace("/\/.*$/is" , "" ,$url);
return $url;
Every possible domain, url and extension is allowed. After the function is finished, it must return a array of only the domain names itself.
UPDATE: Thanks for all the suggestions!
I figured it out with the help from you all.
function test($url)
// Check if the url begins with http:// www. or both
// If so, replace it
if (preg_match("/^(http:\/\/|www.)/i", $url))
$domain = preg_replace("/^(http:\/\/)*(www.)*/is", "", $url);
$domain = $url;
// Now all thats left is the domain and the extension
// Only return the needed first part without the extension
$domain = explode(".", $domain);
return $domain[0];