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- CodeBytes 2023-02-23 13:35关注
要在 MATLAB 中使用遗传算法求解应急物流中心选址问题,您需要定义一个适应度函数,用于评估每个个体的适应度。这个适应度函数应该考虑配送点到需求点的距离、配送时间和配送成本等因素,同时也需要考虑您所描述的不同配送点的不同配送速度。以下是一个可能的实现过程:
car_speed = 50; % km/h drone_speed = 20; % km/h
function fitness = myFitnessFunction(locations) % locations is a vector containing the indices of selected locations % (e.g., [2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10]) % Define the distances between all locations distances = [...]; % A matrix of distances between locations % Calculate the total distance and time for each segment total_distance = 0; total_time = 0; for i = 1:length(locations)-1 start_loc = locations(i); end_loc = locations(i+1); distance = distances(start_loc, end_loc); total_distance = total_distance + distance; if start_loc <= 6 && end_loc <= 6 % Both locations are served by car time = distance / car_speed; elseif start_loc > 6 && end_loc > 6 % Both locations are served by drone time = distance / drone_speed; else % One location is served by car, the other by drone car_loc = min(start_loc, end_loc); drone_loc = max(start_loc, end_loc); car_distance = distances(car_loc, drone_loc); drone_distance = distance - car_distance; car_time = car_distance / car_speed; drone_time = drone_distance / drone_speed; time = car_time + drone_time; end total_time = total_time + time; end % Calculate the fitness as a function of distance, time, and cost fitness = ...; end
3、最后,您需要使用 MATLAB 的遗传算法函数(如 ga)来最小化适应度函数。您需要定义一个包含所有可选位置的向量,并将其作为输入传递给 ga 函数。例如:
options = optimoptions('ga', 'Display', 'iter'); nvars = 10; % The number of variables (i.e., selectable locations) lb = ones(1, nvars); % The lower bound for each variable (always 1) ub = 10*ones(1, nvars); % The upper bound for each variable (always 10) fitnessfun = @myFitnessFunction; [x, fval] = ga(fitnessfun, nvars, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, [], options);
在这个例子中,我们将 nvars 设置为 10,因为有 10 个可选位置。我们使用 ones 函数将 lb 向量初始化为 1,因为我们从第一个位置开始。同样,我们将 ub 向量初始化为 10,因为我们最多可以选择 10 个位置。最后,我们将 fitnessfun 函数指定为适应度函数,并将所有其他参数设置为默认值(即空)。
4、运行完遗传算法后,您可以将得到的最优解(即 x 向量)解码为所选位置的实际索引。例如:
selected_locations = find(x);
在这个例子中,我们使用 find 函数找到 x 向量中为 1 的位置,并将它们存储在 selected_locations 向量中。
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